Monday, April 11, 2011

When the cat's apartment is nicer than yours...

Wait, you mean there's cat furniture out there that isn't covered in carpet? This blog installment brought to you courtesy of procrastination and the letter C.

The minimal bamboo design of the 5 foot tall Baobab:

And then there's the pièce de résistance: tall, multiple platforms, cubby hiding spot, sisal scratching areas, and attractive dark finish:
The Lotus Cat Tower, from The Refined Feline.
WTF?  Why didn't I know about these things when I was buying all my crappy looking typical cat-lady carpet cat tree and cardboard scratchers. Now if only I had $369 (+$30 shipping).

Bonus! A cat scratcher that looks like a piece of modern art? The Calypso Cat Scratcher from The Refined Feline.

1 comment:

Mumsey said...

The last one looks like a Gehry. Tres manifique!